Making Words


Hi, I’m Lori Safranek, welcome to my blog! I’ve been a writer most of my life and I adore talking about books and writing.  Ever since discovering authors like Edgar Allen Poe and Agatha Christie when I was in junior high school, I’ve been a huge fan of horror, mystery and just about any kind of book that catches my imagination.

I’m the creator of the Freaked Out series about a group of unique performers in a circus sideshow. From Smudge, the tattooed man who falls under a curse that really gets under his skin, to Marie the Fattest Woman on Earth who attracts the evil jealousy of another woman, they each face some supernatural force that challenges their happiness and their very lives!

My short stories have appeared in a number of horror anthologies over the past few years. Some will make you laugh but mostly, they’ll give you the good old-fashioned creeps.